Starting strong at boarding school: tips for success
31 Jan 2025
The PLC Sydney Ex-Students’ Union (ESU) offers a two-year partial scholarship to the value of $5,000.00 per annum, deducted from the tuition fees, for a girl entering Year 11 at PLC Sydney.
The scholarship will be awarded to a girl with an ex-student family connection (e.g. daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter or niece of an ex-student (not a sibling or cousin), who shows a high level of personal development and confidence in all areas of school life, including contribution to the school. The criteria to be considered equally, after school contribution and ex-student family connection are:
The successful recipient of the scholarship will be required to attend and participate in various events during the term of the scholarship including Jersey Day and to act as an ambassador of both PLC Sydney and the Ex-Students' Union.
When considering a girl for this scholarship, her application will be considered in the following order.
The girl:
The application should be written in the girl’s own handwriting or submitted via the online form.
All applicants meeting the ex-student family connection criteria will be interviewed by members of the scholarship selection panel in Term 3.
Should you require any further information please contact:
Mia Joseph (Ilias, 2009)
Ex-Students’ Union President